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提问者:Linda_xu   |  提问时间:2012-1-30 15:58
51.010协议第20章20.1关于小区重选,为什么希望结果是After step e), there shall be no response from the MS on either carrier 1 or carrier 3 within 33 s. 看不明白。求说明。 20.2 Cell Parameters changed from the default values in table 20.1. Parameter Carrier1 Carrier2 Carrier3 Carrier4 Carrier5 Carrier6 RF Signal Level(dBμV emf() / dBm) 48 / -65 38 / -75 43 / -70 33 / -80 28 / -85 OFF CBA 1 0 0 0 0 RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN(dBm) -90 -67 -90 -88 -98 MNC 01 (011 for PCS 1900) MCC 002 C1 25 -8 20 8 13 C2 25 -8 20 8 13 Procedure a) The SS activates the carriers and monitors carriers 2, 4 and 5 for RA requests from the MS. b) The MS is switched on. c) The MS is switched off. d) The SS monitors carriers 1 and 3 for RA requests from the MS. e) The MS is switched on. 20.1.5 Test requirements 1) After step b), the first response from the MS shall be on carrier 4 within 33 s. There shall be no response from the MS on carrier 2. 2) After step e), there shall be no response from the MS on either carrier 1 or carrier 3 within 33 s. 20.2 Cell
回答时间:2012-1-30 16:52
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