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请教service-port和switchport tls 方式有区别吗?
离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:workover   |  提问时间:2012-9-4 11:17
第一种 tcont 2 name tcont2 allocid 259 profile UP-1M tcont 2 gap mode2 tcont 3 name tcont3 allocid 260 profile UP-50M tcont 3 gap mode2 tcont 4 name tcont4 allocid 261 profile UP-5M tcont 4 gap mode2 gemport 1 name gemport-1 portid 133 unicast tcont 2 dir both queue 1 gemport 1 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default gemport 2 name gemport-2 portid 134 unicast tcont 3 dir both queue 1 gemport 2 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default gemport 3 name gemport-3 portid 135 unicast tcont 4 dir both queue 1 gemport 3 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default gemport 4 name gemport-4 portid 136 unicast tcont 3 dir both queue 1 gemport 4 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default switchport mode trunk vport 1 switchport vlan 2030 tag vport 1 switchport mode hybrid vport 2 switchport tls enable vport 2 switchport tls vlan 4065 vport 2 switchport mode hybrid vport 3 switchport tls enable vport 3 switchport tls vlan 4065 vport 3 switchport mode hybrid vport 4 switchport tls enable vport 4 switchport tls vlan 4065 vport 4 第二种 tcont 2 name tcont2 allocid 286 profile UP-1M tcont 2 gap mode2 tcont 3 name tcont3 allocid 287 profile UP-50M tcont 3 gap mode2 tcont 4 name tcont4 allocid 288 profile UP-5M tcont 4 gap mode2 gemport 1 name gemport-1 portid 170 unicast tcont 2 dir both queue 1 gemport 1 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default gemport 2 name gemport-2 portid 171 unicast tcont 3 dir both queue 1 gemport 2 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default gemport 3 name gemport-3 portid 133 unicast tcont 3 dir both queue 1 gemport 3 traffic-limit upstream default downstream default switchport mode hybrid vport 1 switchport mode hybrid vport 2 switchport mode hybrid vport 3 service-port 1 vport 1 user-vlan 2030 vlan 2030 service-port 2 vport 2 user-vlan 594 to 605 svlan 4094 service-port 3 vport 3 user-vlan 606 to 609 svlan 4094 traffic-profile DOWN-100M vport 2 direction egress 小弟想请教下各位请教service-port和switchport tls 方式有区别吗? 是不是随便用
补充下 是中兴c300 设备
回答时间:2012-9-4 11:23
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