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中兴F820开局脚本 [复制链接]


亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  上等兵

发表于 2012-8-30 09:29:34 |显示全部楼层
ZXAN#show onu unauthentication epon-olt_0/1/1(查看某个PON口下未注册的ONU)
Onu interface :      epon-onu_0/1/1:1
MAC address :        001e.7390.0ac7
SN :                 
AuthState  State :   deny
OnTime :             2001/01/01 00:03:27
Onu interface :      epon-onu_0/1/1:2
MAC address :        001e.73e5.cca2
SN :                 
AuthState  State :   deny
OnTime :             2009/08/18 10:28:06
%Code 40509: No relate information to show.(没有未注册的ONU)
ZXAN#con t
ZXAN<config>#interface epon-olt_0/1/1(进入PON口)
ZXAN<config-if>#onu 1 type ZTE-F820 sn 01-01-01 (根据SN添加注册ONU)
ZXAN<config-if>#onu 1 type ZTE-F820 mac 001e.7390.0ac7 (根据MAC地址注册)
ZXAN<config>#interface epon-onu_0/1/1:1
ZXAN<config-if>#switchport mode trunk vport 1
ZXAN<config-if>#switchport vlan 1,1001-1016,3305,3906 tag vport 1(必须包括管理VLAN,宽带业务VLAN,语音VLAN)
ZXAN<config-if>#authentication enable(使能认证协议,默认是打开的)
ZXAN<config-if>#description (设备描述信息)
ZXAN<config-if>#spliter 1 line 1
ZXAN<config-if>#user-info (用户信息)
ZXAN<config-if>#bandwidth upstream fixed 0 fixedpkt 64 assured 10000 maximum 20000 maxburst 16777215 priority 3
ZXAN<config-if>#bandwidth downstream maximum 20000 maxburst 16777215
ZXAN<config-if>#bind-status disable
ZXAN<config-if>#autocfg disable
ZXAN<config>#pon-onu-mng epon-onu_0/1/1:1
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#mgmt-ip onu-ip 5 3906 mgm-ip status enable
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/1 mode tag vlan 1001 priority 0(给设备的每个用户宽带口配置宽带业务VLAN)
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/2 mode tag vlan 1002 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/3 mode tag vlan 1003 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/4 mode tag vlan 1004 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/5 mode tag vlan 1005 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/6 mode tag vlan 1006 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/7 mode tag vlan 1007 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/8 mode tag vlan 1008 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/9 mode tag vlan 1009 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/10 mode tag vlan 1010 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/11 mode tag vlan 1011 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/12 mode tag vlan 1012 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/13 mode tag vlan 1013 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/14 mode tag vlan 1014 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/15 mode tag vlan 1015 priority 0
ZXAN<epon-onu-mng>#vlan port eth_0/16 mode tag vlan 1016 priority 0
ZXAN#show run
ZXAN(config)#vlan 3906 (创建VLAN)
ZXAN(config)#interface inband-vlan 3906
ZXAN(config-if)#ip address
ZXAN(config)#interface fei_0/1/1 (进入宽带用户端口)
ZXAN(config-if)#negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#flowcontrol disable
ZXAN(config-if)#no max-mac-learn
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport default vlan 1001
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp max-group 255
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp fast-leave enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp tag-stripe disable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp mvlan-translate enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp cvlan 0
ZXAN(config)#interface fei_0/4/1 (进入宽带用户端口)
ZXAN(config-if)#negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#flowcontrol disable
ZXAN(config-if)#no max-mac-learn
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport default vlan 1009
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp max-group 255
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp fast-leave enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp tag-stripe disable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp mvlan-translate enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp cvlan 0
ZXAN(config)#interface fei_0/5/1 (进入语音板)
ZXAN(config-if)#no negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#speed 100
ZXAN(config-if)#duplex full
ZXAN(config-if)#flowcontrol disable
ZXAN(config-if)#no max-mac-learn
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport vlan 3305 tag
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp max-group 255
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp fast-leave enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp tag-stripe disable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp mvlan-translate enable
ZXAN(config-if)#igmp cvlan 0
ZXAN(config)#interface gei_0/2/1 (进入PON板)
ZXAN(config-if)#no negotiation auto
ZXAN(config-if)#speed 1000
ZXAN(config-if)#duplex full
ZXAN(config-if)#flowcontrol disable
ZXAN(config-if)#no max-mac-learn
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport mode hybrid
ZXAN(config-if)#switchport vlan 2-4093 tag
ZXAN(config-if)#traffic-shape rate-limit 2000 bucket-size 60 in
ZXAN(config-if)#traffic-shape rate-limit 2000 bucket-size 60 out
ZXAN(config)#voip 5 (进入语音板配置模式)
ZXAN(config-voip)#mg net 1 mode 0 ip-address mask gateway vlan-option 1 vlan-id 3305 vlan-priority 7
ZXAN(config-voip)#mg add 1 1 port 2944 mid-flag 0  (配置语音板的协议端口号)
ZXAN(config-voip)#mgc add 1 ip-address port 2944  (配置主用SS的IP地址和协议端口号)
ZXAN(config-voip)#mgc add 2 ip-address port 2944  (配置备用SS的IP地址和协议端口号)
ZXAN(config-voip)#rtp parameter fax-modem t38-enable 1 fax-control 2 (配置传真模式和控制方式)
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58900 user-tid-no 1 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58901 user-tid-no 2 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58902 user-tid-no 3 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58903 user-tid-no 4 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58904 user-tid-no 5 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58905 user-tid-no 6 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58906 user-tid-no 7 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58907 user-tid-no 8 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58908 user-tid-no 9 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58909 user-tid-no 10 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58910 user-tid-no 11 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58911 user-tid-no 12 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58912 user-tid-no 13 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58913 user-tid-no 14 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58914 user-tid-no 15 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix AG user-tid-index 58915 user-tid-no 16 rtp-tid-prefix RTP/000 rtp-tid-length 2
ZXAN#wr  (保存数据配置)
1、在Pon模式下,创建一个新的onu-type, F820。
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-type epon F820 description 16Fe,16Pots  
创建完后,可以在show onu-type中看到新创建的Onu类型。
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-if F820 eth_0/1-16
ZXAN(config-pon)#onu-if F820 pots_0/1-16
YHJDGL-F820-01#show card
Rack Shelf Slot CfgType RealType Port  HardVer SoftVer         Status
0    0     1    MS8E    MS8E     8     V0      V1.0.0T7P1M1    INSERVICE
0    0     2    EPUA    EPUA     1     V1.0    V1.4.3          INSERVICE
0    0     4    V16B    V16B     1     V32     V1.0.0T7P1M1    INSERVICE
0    0     5    V16B    V16B     1     V32     V1.0.0T7P1M1    INSERVICE
YHJDGL-F820-01#show runn
Building configuration...
!**********Before interface -- show run on RP start!*********
add-rack rackno 0 racktype F820-RACK
add-shelf rackno 0 shelfno 0 shelftype F820-SHELF
add-card rackno 0 shelfno 0 slotno 2 EPUA
add-card rackno 0 shelfno 0 slotno 4 V16B
add-card rackno 0 shelfno 0 slotno 5 V16B
auto-update version
mac aging-time 300
mac monitor-period 10
mac usage-threshold 70
vlan database
  vlan 1-4093
port-location access-node-identifier inband-mac
port-location vlan-id before-trans
dhcp-option82 disable
pppoe-plus disable
igmp onu-mode snooping
igmp onu-fastleave enable
interface null1
interface inband-vlan 9
  ip address
interface fei_0/1/1
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1025
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/2
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1026
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/3
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1027
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/4
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1028
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/5
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1029
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/6
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1030
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/7
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1031
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/1/8
  negotiation auto
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport default vlan 1032
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface gei_0/2/1
  no negotiation auto
  speed 1000
  duplex full
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport vlan 2-4093  tag
interface fei_0/4/1
  no negotiation auto
  speed 100
  duplex full
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport vlan 4052  tag
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
interface fei_0/5/1
  no negotiation auto
  speed 100
  duplex full
  flowcontrol disable
  no max-mac-learn
  switchport mode hybrid
  switchport vlan 4053  tag
  igmp max-group 255
  igmp fast-leave enable
  igmp tag-stripe disable
  igmp mvlan-translate enable
  igmp cvlan 0
!**********After interface -- show run on RP start!**********
ip route
ip igmp snooping
ip igmp snooping proxy
protocol-packet-protect enable
  pon sn 12FA43C1Y3I243DA
pon mac use_default
voip 4
mg net 1 mode 0 ip-address mask gateway
vlan-option 1 vlan-id 4052 vlan-priority 7
mg add 1 1 port 2944 mid-flag 0 domain-name 12FA43C1Y3I243DA
mgc add 1 ip-address port 2944
rtp parameter dtmf dtmf-relaymode 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 00 user-tid-no 1 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 01 user-tid-no 2 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 02 user-tid-no 3 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 03 user-tid-no 4 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 04 user-tid-no 5 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 05 user-tid-no 6 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 06 user-tid-no 7 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 07 user-tid-no 8 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 08 user-tid-no 9 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 09 user-tid-no 10 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 10 user-tid-no 11 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 11 user-tid-no 12 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 12 user-tid-no 13 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 13 user-tid-no 14 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 14 user-tid-no 15 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/04/ user-tid-index 15 user-tid-no 16 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
voip 5
mg net 1 mode 0 ip-address mask gateway
vlan-option 1 vlan-id 4053 vlan-priority 7
mg add 1 1 port 2944 mid-flag 0 domain-name 12FA43C1Y3I243DA
mgc add 1 ip-address port 2944
rtp parameter dtmf dtmf-relaymode 2
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 00 user-tid-no 1 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 01 user-tid-no 2 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 02 user-tid-no 3 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 03 user-tid-no 4 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 04 user-tid-no 5 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 05 user-tid-no 6 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 06 user-tid-no 7 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 07 user-tid-no 8 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 08 user-tid-no 9 rtp-t
id-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 09 user-tid-no 10 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 10 user-tid-no 11 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 11 user-tid-no 12 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 12 user-tid-no 13 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 13 user-tid-no 14 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 14 user-tid-no 15 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
mgc h248tid user-tid-prefix EP12/01/00/05/ user-tid-index 15 user-tid-no 16 rtp-
tid-prefix RTP/ rtp-tid-length 5 link-kept-flag 1 link-kept-time 3000
nvram mng-ip-address
nvram boot-username f820
nvram boot-password f820
nvram boot-server
nvram imgfile-location local
nvram config-filename startrun.dat
hostname YHJDGL-F820-01
enable secret level 15 5 RcMLuUKvnFZX9kNAV6A/UA==
username zte password ****** privilege 15
banner incoming @
Welcome to ZXAN product  of ZTE Corporation
snmp-server location No.889 BiBo Rd. PuDong District, ShangHai, China
snmp-server contact +86-021-68895000
snmp-server packetSize 3000
snmp-server engine-id 830900020300010289d64401
snmp-server community public view allview rw
snmp-server view allview internet included
snmp-server view DefaultView system included
snmp-server enable trap SNMP
snmp-server enable trap VPN
snmp-server enable trap BGP
snmp-server enable trap OSPF
snmp-server enable trap RMON
snmp-server enable trap STALARM
logging on
logging buffer 200
logging mode fullcycle
logging console notifications
logging level notifications
logging snmplog-save disable
unm on
line console idle-timeout 120
line console absolute-timeout 1440
line telnet idle-timeout 120
line telnet absolute-timeout 1440
alarm enable
alarm confirm
nms-hello-trap disable
nms-hello-trap interval 120


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