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贝尔OLT命令 [复制链接]


亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  新兵

发表于 2020-11-24 20:08:29 |显示全部楼层
configure equipment slot nt-a planned-type fant-f   // 创建主控板NTA
configure equipment slot nt-b planned-type fant-f   //创建NTB
configure equipment protection-group 1 admin-status unlock   
configure system security profile admin slot-numbering type-based
configure system port-num-in-proto type-based
configure system max-lt-link-speed  link-speed ten-gb
admin save
admin equipment reboot-isam with-self-test
configure port nt-a:xfp:[1…4] no shutdown
configure port nt-a:xfp:[1…4] ethernet speed 1000
configure port nt-b:xfp:[1…4] no shutdown
configure port nt-b:xfp:[1…4] ethernet speed 1000
typ:isadmin>#configure equipment slot lt:1/1/[1…8] planned-type nglt-a

typ:isadmin>#configure pon interface 1/1/1/[1…8] fec-dn disable admin-state up

7、上下行带宽模板(bandwidth/ shaper profile)
configure qos profiles bandwidth UPSTREAM_100M excessive-info-rate 100000 committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0 delay-tolerance 8
configure qos profiles shaper DOWNSTREAM_100M  committed-info-rate 0  committed-burst-size 0  excess-info-rate    100000  type singletokenbucketgpon
8、PQ Profile 模板 (ingress-qos)
configure qos profiles ingress-qos PQ0 dot1-p0-tc 0 dot1-p1-tc 0 dot1-p2-tc 0 dot1-p3-tc 0 dot1-p4-tc 0 dot1-p5-tc 0 dot1-p6-tc 0 dot1-p7-tc 0

9、创建SVLAN2000并绑定PQ  profile
configure vlan id 2000 mode layer2-terminated in-qos-prof-name name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222Q0
// 或用configure vlan id 2000 mode residential-bridge in-qos-prof-name name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222Q0

configure vlan id stacked:2000:[1001…1100] mode cross-connect in-qos-prof-name name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222Q0
//或用configure vlan id stacked:2000:[1001…1100] mode residential-bridge in-qos-prof-name name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222Q0

1、        注册ONU
typ:isadmin>#configure pon interface 1/1/8/8 auth-method sn-slid

typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont interface 1/1/7/1/22 admin-state down
typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont# no interface 1/1/7/1/22

typ:isadmin>#info configure equipment ont interface                       
typ:isadmin> # show pon unprovision-onu  //查看gpon未认证ONU
typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont interface 1/1/8/8/5 sernum TDTC:35B3483A sw-ver-pland disabled voip-allowed enable

configure equipment ont slot 1/1/7/1/22/1 planned-card-type ethernet plndnumdataports 1 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up

configure equipment ont slot 1/1/7/1/22/1 planned-card-type ethernet plndnumdataports 1 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up

typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont slot 1/1/7/1/22/2 planned-card-type ethernet plndnumdataports 3 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up

typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont>interface>1/1/8/8/5$ admin-state up
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont>interface>1/1/8/8/5$ exit all
typ:isadmin> show equipment ont interface           //查看GPON ONT装态
2、配置ont card(slot)、UNI及其qos
配置ont card(slot)
show equipment ont slot        //查看ont上报slot
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/8/8/5/1 planned-card-type 10_100base plndnumdataports 1 plndnumvoiceports 0 admin-state up       
configure interface port uni:1/1/8/8/5/1/[1…4] admin-up
typ:isadmin># configure interface port uni:1/1/7/1/22/1/1 admin-up


typ:isadmin># configure qos profiles shaper WS-MAX1G-D committed-info-rate 0 committed-burst-size 0 excess-info-rate 1024000 type singletokenbucketgpon

typ:isadmin># configure qos profiles bandwidth WS-MAX1G committed-info-rate 0 assured-info-rate 0 excessive-info-rate 1024000 delay-tolerance 8

configure qos interface 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:UPSTREAM_100M

typ:isadmin># configure qos interface 1/1/7/1/22/1/1 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:WS-MAX1G

typ:isadmin># configure qos interface 1/1/7/1/22/2/1 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:WS-MAX1G

typ:isadmin># configure qos interface 1/1/7/1/22/2/2 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:WS-MAX1G

typ:isadmin># configure qos interface 1/1/7/1/22/2/3 upstream-queue 0 bandwidth-profile name:WS-MAX1G
typ:isadmin>configure>qos>interface>1/1/7/1/22/2/3>upstream-queue>0# exit all

show interface port         //查看port状态

3、svlan 2000配置到NT-A上联端口和lt板
//可用info configure service查看;若已配置无需重复配置。
configure service vpls 2000 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap nt-a:xfp:2:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap lt:1/1/8:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 no shutdown

configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1…4]
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] vlan-id stacked:2000:[1001...1004]
//configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] max-unicast-mac 16
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] pvid [1001...1004]

// configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] vlan-id 2000 tag single-tagged
// configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/[1...4] pvid 2000

1、        注册ONU
//typ:isadmin>#configure epon interface 1/1/6/8 auth-mode mix

typ:isadmin>#info configure equipment eont interface                       
typ:isadmin>show epon unprovision-onu  //查看epon未认证ONU
typ:isadmin>#configure equipment eont interface 1/1/6/8/1 mac-addr fc:b0:c4:1b:d7:88
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont>interface>1/1/8/8/5$ admin-state up
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont>interface>1/1/8/8/5$ exit all
typ:isadmin>show equipment eont interface          //查看EPON ONT装态

下面设置不是很清楚原理,用于SFU vlan自动协商时探测vlan的配置
typ:isadmin># configure equipment eont interface 1/1/6/8/1 port 1/1 vlanid-default 2000

2、配置ont 端口
注:Epon ont在OLT上不配置slot,默认只有slot 1,自动生成对应的euni和ellid,可用show interface port查看,将对应的euni和ellid admin-up。
configure interface port euni:1/1/6/8/1/1/1 admin-up
configure interface port ellid:1/1/6/8/1/1 admin-up

创建bridge port
configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1
show interface port         //查看port状态

3、svlan 2000配置到NT-A上联端口和lt板
//可用info configure service查看
configure service vpls 2000 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap nt-a:xfp:2:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap lt:1/1/6:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 no shutdown

configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 vlan-id stacked:2000:[1001...1004]
//configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 max-unicast-mac 16
configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 pvid [1001...1004]

// configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 vlan-id 2000 tag single-tagged
// configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 pvid 2000

typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont interface 1/1/8/8/5 sernum TDTC:35B3483A sw-ver-pland disabled voip-allowed enable

typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont interface 1/1/7/1/22 admin-state down
typ:isadmin># configure equipment ont
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont# no interface 1/1/7/1/22

//需要配置语音业务时注册ONU必须添加voip-allowed enable,否则无法配置语音端口
typ:isadmin>configure>equipment>ont>interface>1/1/8/8/5$ admin-state up

2、配置ont card(slot)、qos
show equipment ont slot        //查看ont上报slot
configure equipment ont slot 1/1/8/8/5/2 planned-card-type pots plndnumdataports 0 plndnumvoiceports 2

configure qos interface 1/1/8/8/5/voip upstream-queue 0 priority 8 bandwidth-profile name: UPSTREAM_100M        //也可用默认的语音上行模版“1_1_voip”

3、svlan 45配置到NT-A上联端口和lt板
configure service vpls 45 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 45 create
configure service vpls 666 sap nt-a:xfp:2:666 create
configure service vpls 666 sap lt:1/1/7:666 create
configure service vpls 666 no shutdown

4、语音业务vlan应用到onu voip口上,并打上CLAN(pvid)
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/1/1 vlan-id 45

创建语音端口bridge port
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/voip
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/voip vlan-id 45   
configure bridge port 1/1/8/8/5/voip pvid 45


typ:isadmin>#configure equipment eont interface 1/1/6/8/1 mac-addr fc:b0:c4:1b:d7:88

2、配置ont 端口
configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1

3、svlan 45配置到NT-A上联端口和lt板
configure service vpls 45 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 45 create
configure service vpls 45 sap nt-a:xfp:2:45 create
configure service vpls 45 sap lt:1/1/6:45 create
configure service vpls 45 no shutdown

configure bridge port 1/1/6/8/1/1 vlan-id 45

configure vlan id 1010 mode residential-bridge in-qos-prof-name name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222Q0
configure service vpls 1010 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 1010 create
configure service vpls 1010 no shutdown
configure service vpls 1010 sap lt:1/1/7:1010 create
configure service vpls 1010 sap nt-a:xfp:1:1010 create
configure service vpls 666 sap nt-a:xfp:2:0 create

configure service vpls 2000 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap nt-a:xfp:2:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 sap lt:1/1/8:2000 create
configure service vpls 2000 no shutdown

configure service vpls 668 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 668 create
configure service vpls 668 sap nt-a:xfp:2:0 create
configure service vpls 668 sap lt:1/1/7:668 create
configure service vpls 668 no shutdown

configure service vpls 1991 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 1991 create
configure service vpls 1991 sap nt-a:xfp:2:1991 create
configure service vpls 1991 sap lt:1/1/7:1991 create
configure service vpls 1991 no shutdown
configure vlan id 1991 ipv4-mcast-ctrl ipv6-mcast-ctrl mac-mcast-ctrl new-broadcast enable in-qos-prof-name name:PQ0 mode residential-bridge
configure vlan id 1991 unknown-unicast
configure bridge port 1/1/7/1/3/1/1 vlan-id 1991 tag single-tagged

configure service vpls 1992 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 1992 create
configure service vpls 1992 sap nt-a:xfp:2:1992 create
configure service vpls 1992 sap lt:1/1/7:1992 create
configure service vpls 1992 no shutdown
configure vlan id 1992 ipv4-mcast-ctrl ipv6-mcast-ctrl mac-mcast-ctrl new-broadcast enable in-qos-prof-name name:PQ0 mode residential-bridge
configure vlan id 1992 unknown-unicast
configure bridge port 1/1/7/1/3/1/1 vlan-id 1992 tag single-tagged

configure service vpls 1993 customer 1 v-vpls vlan 1993 create
configure service vpls 1993 sap nt-a:xfp:2:1993 create
configure service vpls 1993 sap lt:1/1/7:1993 create
configure service vpls 1993 no shutdown
configure vlan id 1993 ipv4-mcast-ctrl ipv6-mcast-ctrl mac-mcast-ctrl new-broadcast enable in-qos-prof-name name:PQ0 mode residential-bridge
configure vlan id 1993 unknown-unicast
configure bridge port 1/1/7/1/22/1/1 vlan-id 1993 tag single-tagged

configure igmp system start  
configure igmp system netw-igmp-version 2  
configure igmp system user-igmp-version 2  
configure qos cac-mode nocac  
configure mcast channel src-ip-addr vlan-id 1010 peak-bit-rate 100000  
Configure igmp channel channel vlan:1/1/7/1/5/1/1:1010 max-num-group 10 igmp-version system-inherited


The ‘pon or ont ***’ cmd is used for GPON, and the ‘epon or eont***’ cmd is used for EPON
show equipment slot 查看设备
show port 显示上联口装态及配置信息
show interface port 查看ONU ,UNI口,bridge-port ,PON口装态。
show pon unprovision-onu  //查看gpon未认证ONU
show equipment ont interface  查看ONU装态
show service fdb-mac 查看学习到的MAC(可查看上下联MAC地址)
show vlan fdb-board   查看PON上学到的MAC
show vlan bridge-port-fdb 查看bridge-port学到的MAC地址(可以用来查看某一ONU的某一业务的MAC)
show pon optics 查看PON光功率
show equipment ont optics 查看ONU的收发光功,电压温度。

info configure equipment slot 显示硬件配置信息
info configure pon interface   显示 PON口配置信息(ONU注册方式及是否打开。)

info configure equipment ont interface <LOID>  显示所有ONU配置信息要,(也可以在后面加入具体的ONU位置查看某一个ONU)   
info configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/2/3      
info configure equipment ont slot 显示ONU 的ONUCARD信息  
info configure equipment ont   

info configure interface port   显示UNI口信息及PON是否打开(有admin-up 为打开)
info configure qos profiles bandwidth  
info configure qos profiles shaper      
configure qos interface 1/1/1/2/23/14/1 scheduler-node name亚星游戏官网-yaxin222N_100M info configure service id
info configure vlan id     显示VLAN信息
info configure bridge port   显示bridge port 信息  
show equipment ont interface 查看猫的序列号和版本编号
admin equipment ont interface 1/1/8/8/12 reboot        重启ONU

typ:isadmin># show port nt-a:xfp:2


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